
Client Advocate

Housing Retention Specialist

Street Outreach Paralegal

The Client Advocate is a non-legal advocate that assists clients with their social and emotional needs while they are working with the legal department. They prioritize victims of crime and families with children in the household. Some of the services they can provide include assessing client needs, developing safety plans, connecting clients with existing community resources, assisting with housing and emergency rental assistance, and providing education and emotional support, when needed.

The Housing Retention Specialist (HRS) is a non-legal advocate that assists with small housing situations before they lead to consequential ones. The HRS prevents evictions by assisting landlords and tenants to resolve conflicts before housing is threatened. Some of the services they can provide include assessing client needs, developing safety plans, connecting clients with existing community resources, assisting with housing and emergency rental assistance, and providing education and emotional support, when needed.

The Street Outreach Paralegal is primarily responsible for identifying civil legal needs and social barriers for individuals experiencing homeless. They work to educate potential client populations about civil legal issues and may assist with pro se forms and applications for public benefits.

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335 N. Main Ave. Suite 200, Sioux Falls, SD 57104



East River Legal Services

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